The main class and control point of OpenSheetMusicDisplay.
It can display MusicXML sheet music files in an HTML element container.
After the constructor, use load() and render() to load and render a MusicXML file.
Creates and attaches an OpenSheetMusicDisplay object to an HTML element container.
After the constructor, use load() and render() to load and render a MusicXML file.
The container element OSMD will be rendered into.
Either a string specifying the ID of an HTML container element,
or a reference to the HTML element itself (e.g. div)
Optionaloptions: IOSMDOptions
An object for rendering options like the backend (svg/canvas) or autoResize.
For defaults see the OSMDOptionsStandard method in the [[OSMDOptions]] class.
Initialize this object to default values
FIXME: Probably unnecessary
Returns void
setColoringMode(options): void
options: IOSMDOptions
Returns void
setCustomPageFormat(width, height): void
width: number
height: number
Returns void
setDrawBoundingBox(value, render?): void
value: string
Optionalrender: boolean
Returns void
setLogLevel(level): void
Sets the logging level for this OSMD instance. By default, this is set to warn.
@param: content can be trace, debug, info, warn or error.
level: string
Returns void
setOptions(options): void
Set OSMD rendering options using an IOSMDOptions object.
Can be called during runtime. Also called by constructor.
For example, setOptions({autoResize: false}) will disable autoResize even during runtime.
options: IOSMDOptions
Returns void
setPageFormat(formatId): void
Sets page format by string. Used by setOptions({pageFormat: "A4_P"}) for example.
formatId: string
Returns void
updateGraphic(): void
(Re-)creates the graphic sheet from the music sheet
The main class and control point of OpenSheetMusicDisplay.
It can display MusicXML sheet music files in an HTML element container.
After the constructor, use load() and render() to load and render a MusicXML file.